hi frends Facebook is adding more and more features to attract users but when you develop something that's for sure you will introduce new loopholes.
Today i will explain you how to hack a Facebook account password just by utilizing recovery password loophole.
Today i will explain you how to hack a Facebook account password just by utilizing recovery password loophole.
today i will show you how to utilize facebook loophole and hack any one password in less than 10 minuts. without any software.
its 1000% working and i was using 100 times this trick.
so whats the reuirement??? for hack any one facebook passwordits 1000% working and i was using 100 times this trick.
1. victim's facebook id or username
2. craet 3 fake facebook id and add them victim (well i suggest you creat account with girl name and put an awesome pic and add them victim}
3. two web browser (internet explorer and mozilla firfox) 1st can be used for recovery purpose and 2nd for viwing code.
4.fresh gmail id 2. craet 3 fake facebook id and add them victim (well i suggest you creat account with girl name and put an awesome pic and add them victim}
3. two web browser (internet explorer and mozilla firfox) 1st can be used for recovery purpose and 2nd for viwing code.
so guys its over all the requirment here now lets hack some one facebook account..
1.open the facebook in your browser.
2.click forgot password. new tab will open some thing like this
2.click forgot password. new tab will open some thing like this
3. now the email box enter the victim email id if you dont know your victim email id you can use second coloum to enter victim facebook username
4. now click serch button
5. now after clicking on serch you will get captcha verification enter word.
4. now click serch button
5. now after clicking on serch you will get captcha verification enter word.
6. after captcha verification you reached to the screen where facebook give the serch result and show your victim id.
there you will see buttons "this is my account" just click on that.
7. now you reached the below facebook reset password recovery screen there you will see buttons "this is my account" just click on that.
8.now hit on "no longer have access to these"? after following step 8 you will reach below page that ask you Enter your new email ID for contact
9. remember dont submit any facebook registerd gmail id. i suggest you craet a fresh gmail id and submit
10.after submitting you will have either of two sitution a. first one will be recovery your account with your friends
b. answer the security question if victim has set the security question. obisly you dont know answer just enter 3 wrong answer
b. answer the security question if victim has set the security question. obisly you dont know answer just enter 3 wrong answer
11 after given 3 wrong answer you redirected to the new page. select your 3 fake facebook account one by one
Below is the screen shot showing that i have selected three friends whom i am sending codes.
and click submit. and click "send codes to friends"12. enter those three codes that you have received...
13. now you have your victim's facebook password reset confirmetion right on your email id inbox
And friends please comment if you like it...
happy hacking...!!!
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